Regular attendance means that a child can make the most of their education and improve their career and employment choices and chances in adult life.

Social skills are learned at school and friendship groups are made and developed. A regular and punctual attendance pattern will help a child to form routines and attitudes when they enter the world of work.

There is a clear link between attendance and attainment. The more a pupil is in school the more they increase the chance to reach their potential.

  • Register Checks/Analysisoffice

Data Analysis is the core tool offered by us to support schools in monitoring whole school absence. By applying our specific, targeted analytical methods to your attendance data, we are able to identify patterns of absence for individual students or groups of students (Gender, SEN, Key-stage and Ethnicity) which, if left unaddressed could lead to significant levels of absence across the school. Early identification ensures school are able to target problem groups and also consider which of the strategies offered by us, will achieve the best attendance results for both school and students.



  • Referral Meetings

We will meet with school’s nominated member of staff, to review our data analysis conclusions and identify students who require individual work. We will agree on a plan of action, with you, so that the individual student or groups of students who are creating a cause for concern can be targeted. The formal casework route will include home visits, warning letters, section 9 statements etc. Alternatively, where appropriate, a route of less formal home visits and strategic work (e.g. one to one /group work/parent support) can be considered and applied.


  • Attendance Case Conference and Support meetings

We will facilitate and chair Attendance Support Meetings. An Initial Warning Letter is sent to parents advising them of the legal implications of continued poor attendance and providing details of the legal requirement, to ensure their children attend school regularly. Parents will be invited to attend a meeting held in school. We  act as negotiator between pupil, parent and school resolving to remove any barriers to learning.  All correspondence meets the criteria for any legal proceedings.


  • Punctuality Case Conference and Late Gate Support

These meetings are conducted in largely the same manner as Attendance Meetings and we  endeavour to instil an understanding that persistent late arrival can result in formal proceedings.   provide, by Staff are available by pre-arrangement,  to attend school gates for an identified session, to challenge and address with parents and young people who continue to arrive late


  • Home Visits Unplanned and Appointed

home visitUnplanned home visits can be completed, if requested by school when students are absent and school are unable to make contact to establish any reason for absence.

Appointed home visits are arranged by letter, to discuss ongoing attendance and punctuality concerns with parents and offer additional support if required. Appointed home visits are also completed prior to an Attendance or Punctuality Case conference and following such, where parents have  failed to attend.

Understanding Attendance

The general view regarding poor school attendance is that children are simply playing truant.
Here at IEWO we understand that attendance can be much more complicated. There are many and various underlying issues that can impact on a child’s attendance at school such as, illness, mental health issues, social and welfare problems and other vulnerabilities.

Early Help

We are confident, in supporting schools in the process of Early Help intervention for families and young people, ensuring completion of the assessment of the child or young person’s needs. We can also, where appropriate, assume the role of the Lead Professional arranging and chairing the Team Around the Family meetings to ensure working in partnership with other services to effectively meet children’s needs, through the sharing of information and processing action  and support strategies.


Safe-Guarding/Child Protection

We are fully trained and experienced in safe-guarding issues.

We are equipped to make and/ or assist with referrals to the First Contact Teams.

We will compile reports and attend Strategy Meetings, Core Groups and Child Protection Conferences/ Reviews.

Parent and Child Support

Enforcing school attendance is often seen as the main role of the Education Welfare Service, but in practice, Independent Education Welfare Officers  work closely with schools and families to set up strategies and support, in an effort to improve attendance and so making it unnecessary to proceed to more formal action, wherever possible.

We recognise and accept that the causes of irregular school attendance can be varied and complex and, IMG_8073IEWO will undertake an important role in other related areas of work which may have a bearing on this

        • Encouraging parents to visit the school and discuss any concerns
        • Offer support and advice on a variety of educational matters
        •  Make parents aware of their legal responsibilities
        •  Assess areas of difficulty and try to bridge gaps between home and school
        •  Interpret particular situations and needs to the school
        • Offer social and welfare support as needed

Holidays During Term Time

The law states that parents do not have a right to take their child out of school for a holiday during term time. Only in exceptional circumstances may a head teacher grant permission for leave.
The school governing body sets out the requirements for permission to be granted for term time leave.
Parents who choose to take their child out of school without written permission from the school may be issued with a fixed penalty notice from their Local Authority